“Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” - Walter Elias Disney
Our Programs
Storkville, our program for infants and early toddlers, includes classrooms that are warm and inviting, just like your child’s nursery at home. The teachers in the infant program focus on activities that will enhance cognitive skills, begin to develop language skills through baby sign language, and introduce movement skills. Our storkville teachers know the importance of individualized care and will work with each child and adapt to their specific schedule and needs.
Toddlerville, our program for children 18 months - 3 years of age, includes activities such as art, language, large and small motor projects, and sensory and discovery projects. These activities are planned to promote the development of basic toddler tasks: self help skills, independence, trust, language, and motor development. Keeping our philosophy of play based curriculum in mind, our toddler activities are designed for maximum engagement and fun!
Our preschool programs includes language development, readiness activities (reading and writing), problem solving, math, art, music, dramatic play, and small and large muscle discovery. Our preschool classroom is divided into learning centers including sensory bins, dramatic play, blocks and building, arts and crafts, reading nook, and more! At Grammy’s Garden, we know the importance of outdoor play and provide plenty of opportunities for unstructured/outdoor play and socialization throughout the day.